Afghan Government Pushes for Mining in Mes Aynak in an Agreement
Source : "Agreement Signed To Protect Mes Aynak Relics" Tolo News
The Afghan government seems to be gearing up to start mining at Mes Aynak. Tolo News recently reported about an agreement made between the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum and Ministry of Information and Culture (where Qadir, the protagonist of "Saving Mes Aynak," served as head Archaeologist) to remove all Mes Aynak relics before the copper deposits are mined.
But as our film detailed, rescue archaeology does more damage than good; a majority of the relics resting in Mes Aynak are too fragile to be safely excavated. The ancient Buddhist city needs to be SAVED and preserved, not REMOVED for copper mining that will permanently pollute the area and water supplies.
We believe Mes Aynak should be preserved as a World Heritage Site and Afghan's prized tourist destination than as a toxic open-pit copper mine that will only benefit the mining company.