"Hugely moved by Brent E HUffman's brilliant film Saving Mes Aynak on Afghan archaeology. Can't recommend it enough."

William Dalrymple, writer & historian

"Advocacy filmmaking at its best and most chilling... that rare doc that NEEDS to be seen."

Jake Jacobson, Indiewire 

"a wake-up call for the civilized world"

joe bendel, EPOCH TIMES

"A 5,000 year-old Bronze age site and Buddhist Silk Road city in Afghanistan is threatened with destruction, and this award-winning film can make a difference."

 Paula Bernstein, Indiewire

"Fiery Defense of important archaeological heritage, afghan archaeologists, and citizens"

Juan Santos Yanguas, Jury of International Festival of Archaeological Film of Bidasoa

"the film is remarkable by the cinematographic quality and it touches us by The emotion it carries, the empathy that the film arouses for men who risk their lives to save their memory. "

ICRONOS Archaeological Film Festival - Saving mes Aynak was awarded grand prize and audience award



"Saving Mes Aynak shows the sheer determination of the Afghan archaeologists to protect their culture against overwhelming odds... Huffman has crafted a remarkable film of courage, heroism, and hope.

Tom St john gray, current world archaeology magazine

"Saving Mes Aynak is an engrossing look at the conflict between cultural preservation and economic opportunity."

Ryan MacLean, Audiences Everywhere

"A powerful and compelling work from Brent Huffman and Kartemquin Films."

Chicago Is the World

"A call to action that needs immediate attention... this is a movie that demands you at least tweet your Congressman after viewing."

Joe Corey, Inside Pulse 

"Moved and awed and saddened by this powerful film."

Prof. Stephennie Mulder, DepT of Art & Art History: Islamic Art and Architecture, University of Texas at Austin

In “Saving Mes Aynak,” filmmaker Brent Huffman tells a story emblematic of our times:  a ruinous reality that leaves us feeling angry, fearful and sad, yet strangely inspired and determined at the same time.

amy mathews amos, fluent magazine

"Shows the insanity of the imminent destruction of an invaluable cultural heritage site"

Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, spirituality & Practice